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Jonathan Black

Advanced Performance Coaching Limited

Work hard, work smart, release potential for a lifetime


Jonathan Black

  My sporting journey began the same way it did for most of us, for a club playing football (or anything with a ball) and later through school playing a variety of sports. But it was the sport of Athletics where I found my natural home. Discipline, precision, science, hard but smart work, friendships, travel, achievement and disappointment, training squad members I laughed along with, athletes I aspired to be like, and knowing you got out of the sport exactly what you put into it - there was nowhere to hide from your results.

  My own journey as an athlete stopped through a combination of factors - study, work, injury (I'm grateful for how much we have learned since about recovery) and illness. I retired as a sprint hurdler after trying to qualify for the 1990 Commonwealth Games but developing glandular fever in the process.

  As a coach today I've helped athletes in both team and individual sports get faster and move better, all focusing on what is functionally relevant to them for their enjoyment and confidence both on and off the sport arena. It's the sport of Athletics (track and field), however, where I spend 90% of my coaching time. I began my coaching career in Wellington focusing on sprints, took a break (because coaching for me remains a commitment alongside my regular day job - Psychologist) for career reasons, returned to it in Christchurch for around 10 years (Phoenix Athletic Club) and from January 2019 have been based in the Hawkes Bay (Hastings).

  Along the way I've coached sprinters, jumpers, throwers, hurdlers and multi-eventers to international level, been part of some great NZ teams, and have had the pleasure of coaching athletes to podium and first place at regional and national level. It takes time though. Champions aren't made overnight and talent/genetics will only take you so far. It doesn't take winning to make someone a true champ in my eyes. The real challenges are the ones we set against ourselves.

2015 Oceania Track and Field Championships, Cairns, Australia. NZ Team Coach Sprints & Relays


BA (Hons), MSc, Reg Psych, Grad Dip Sport & Exercise Science, Level 1 S & C Coach ASCA, Accredited Coach Athletics NZ. Numerous workshops, clinics and conferences over the years (which will continue when I have time).

Privileged to be part of:

2015 IPC World Championships, Doha, Qatar (Team Coach)

2016 Rio Paralympics (Team Coach)

2017 IPC Junior World Championships, Nottwil, Switzerland (Team Leader)

2018 Youth Olympic Qualification, Melanesian Championships, Port Vila, Vanuatu (Team Leader)

2019 Oceania Area and Combined Events Championships, Townsville, Australia (Team Coach)

Speed, power, agility, stamina, physical and mental skills, sport performance

Coaching services

  • Customised programming

  • Event technical analysis

  • Supportive squad culture

  • Periodisation and training load management

  • Biomechanics

  • Strength & conditioning

  • Individual and group training


How to start and Coaching Fees

  How to start is easy. Give me a call or email, or pop along to a group session I'm coaching to see how you find the training. It'll give me a chance to watch how you move, how you interact, and discuss your objectives and evaluate the needs you have. I'll answer any questions as best I can.

  Fees? That's a little trickier as every athlete and their needs are different. A younger 13 year old hurdler, for example, might only train once or twice a week (depending on other sporting commitments). A 16 year old footballer wanting to improve acceleration and top speed might only come to a single session a week as they have to work around their regular football training, and an older 19 year old multi-eventer with a training age of eight years and doing no other sports might have six or seven distinct trainings a week and some days be training twice a day.

  The initial couple of training sessions are free as it's important a new athlete feels comfortable and gets a feel for how we do things and what I expect - how's the 'fit' in other words. Any fees or koha for time, fuel, travel, equipment, knowledge, coaching skills I can discuss to suit you.

Create memories

Jonathan Black

Mobile: +64 272310193

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